Friday, 5 August 2011

Is Spring Coming...

Spring is getting closer in Sydney. Lorakeets feeding on my Grevilla

 Have been busy having a clean out.  In particular the TV wall unit - how many cd's dvd's and old
videos can you have..  Started with the old VHS videos as I no longer have a VHS machine and
found old children's Ninja Turtles and cartoons, tapes I wanted to keep, Diana's Wedding. Old cassette
tapes and CD's that are old and will never use.  Sorted through my old LP's - that was a trip down
memory lane and have kept all of them also with the 45's. 
A lot went to a charity shop and boxed up the rest and now neat and tidy.l  Will have to load up the IPOD with the old songs.  When will I do this....
Craft Cupboard - sewing room (spare room).  Wardrobe is full of craft and decided to use clear
boxes and sort out all the materials and equipment again and label the boxes, so much easier now

Another ocean rock pool - this time at Freshwater Sydney.

Lunch a couple of weeks ago at Manly looking across at Manly Wharf where the ferries come

in from City of Sydney.
Last  night walking along the beach front going to dinner with a girl friend and a girly LONG chat.

This is the 'Cardinal's Palace - at Manly which was originally a Catholic Seminary for new
Catholic Brothers and Priests.  Have been there for a Catholic Mass in the small chapel and
many weddings are held there now.  Very expensive but what a view. You have make it out
in the background of the ocean pics above.  Beautiful grounds and is now an International School for Cooking where students come from all over the world.
                                                                  POT HOLDERS
I have been making little gifts of Pot Holders as a friend saw one of my basic ones and wanted to
buy some and I have been making some for little gifts to add to G/Friends presents.  I try and make
at least 1 handmade gift when giving presents.
Front and Back of Oriental Fabric Pot Holders.
I found these to be a good size for holding the handles or wrapping around the handles of saucepans and quick and easy strip piecing.  I used wool batting and Insulbrite batting. Put the Insulbrite on the back layer.
SOME FREE BOOKS FOR MY KOBO.  No wonder my head aches.
A cupcake Pot Holder which was a bit fiddly but got the hang of it.  It was a bit loose, so sewing a line down each side of the top(icing) so my hand wouldn't slip which is a lot safer.  Thought the colours
where good too.  Not a brown person but loved these fabrics - which are also in the 'striped pot holder'

My best girlfriend in Melbourne has become a grandma for the 6th time.
Her youngest daughter Rachel have birth to a boy named Joshua Robert so had better
knit faster as I am knitting a rug for him to snuggle up in along with his 2 brothers!
Lots of different coloured stripes and various widths.  It's in 5 ply so going to take a while but can't sit idle while I watch television and at least it's plain knitting.
I picked up this old cane sewing basket on Ebay last week and it arrived at the post office this morning. I intend to put my cottons, pins, scissors and various needle cases in it on the end of the lounge instead of in various parts of the family room and sewing room.  I have a small cane one from my childhood and still in good condition.  Bit small for all the bits and pieces so it's put away.  This should be really handy and when I go away or

out for the day - picnic etc. I always throw a bag of craft in just in case, whilst sitting.


My little Cup Cake Needle and Pin Holder
Off to make Lasagne for dinner and hope you enjoyed the Spring Update


  1. Greetings from Tunisia! Stopped by from Quilting Bloggers to enjoy your blog while trying to beat the heat (around 100 F. today). One forgets that it's not summer elsewhere! I'm rather new to blogging myself. Happy quilting!
    best, nadia

  2. My first visit to your blog. Do keep blogging. I loved your pictures of your organization! That is always a challenge isn't it?
